Thursday, 30 April 2015

Woodside Arctic Challenge - An epic adventure in pictures

Here at Woodside Animal Centre we are desperately trying to raise money to build an essential onsite veterinary facility to help treat Leicestershire's animals in need. 

This facility is not only a dream but a necessity that will mean quicker and more efficient treatment for animals across the county and will mean that we can treat 4 times as many animals than we can at present!

To help our plight, a group of very brave volunteers took to the Arctic to embark on a challenge of a lifetime. Read on to see just how challenging their journey across the Arctic was.

Day 1 –This was taken just as the team arrived in Tromso, Norway. It was to be a taster of just how cold temperatures would reach during the challenge. Once the team landed, they met their guides and went through the necessary health and safety training needed before they embarked on their mission. The team then met their strong huskies that would be their companions during the 6 day challenge. Once everyone had become familiar with one another, including the dogs, they took the dogs out on a small drive of 10 or 15 km. This was a great way to settle in to the new surroundings. The challengers spent their first night at the home of one of the trip organisers, where they were treated to a night's stay in a traditional Lavvu. A luxury in comparison to what the team had in store for the them for the rest of the challenge...

Day 2 – Today the team would be travelling 30km but first they had to load the bus and set off for the starting point of the Arctic Challenge at Signaldalen. Although nervous, the team were a buzz of adrenaline and excitement. Tonight's destination would be the Tri-nations border, a point where Norway, Sweden and Finland meet. 
To get there the brave challengers would pass through forest and mountains. After an exhausting first day the cold, damp and weary team tried to thaw out round the camp fire before heading straight to bed after a quick Arctic dinner. 

Day 3 – With an early start, the team prepared the sleds and dogs for a full day of sledding.  
After a quick breakfast, the team packed up and prepared for the day which would feature an intense uphill climb. The team battled across the difficult terrain and were rewarded with fantastic views across the pristine blanket of snow as far as the eye could see. Although the team wanted to stay and enjoy the view, press on they must if they were to reach their 55km target for the day. 
The day featured many more tiresome uphill climbs but all that goes up must come down! Holding on for dear life, the team descended down Keinovopio at break-neck speeds each trying desperately not to fall off!

Day 4 – By day 4 the challenge was really taking its toll on the whole team. Everyone was exhausted and the extreme weather conditions were doing nothing to warm the team's spirits. Nevertheless the team rallied together to push forward. Now over the halfway point, the end was in sight and after their morning duties, the team pushed on, heading deep into the Swedish mountains. With their minds focused on the prospects of a night's stay in a log cabin, at the Rostojavri – (also known as the Fish Camp) which was to be their final port of call at the end of the day, the team knuckled down for another intense day of sledding. 

Day 5 – Today marked the penultimate day of the challenge but was to be by no means an easy one. The team were set to travel another 70km and needed all the energy they could muster!
This day's drive would take the team deep into the Swedish forests.

Although the team were mostly following snow-mobile tracks, the route was by no means a gentle one. The tracks were rough and bumpy, and just slightly off track, the snow was often over three feet deep. This put the team's ‘expert’ mushing skills to the test and by the end of the day there were more than few bruises to show for it!

Day 6 – Today was to be the team's longest day, but the end of the challenge was a one final 75km journey away. The team slalomed through more dense forest and hills leading down to the lakes and rivers that would lead them to the famous Ice Hotel in Jukkasjarvi which was to be their final stop and would mark the end of the challenge.


THEY DID IT! As the weary challengers arrive at their final stop in Jukkasjarvi they tended to their dogs one last time, before being taken to the breathtaking Ice Hotel. Here they were given a tour of the stunning building. Inspired by the Ice Palace from the 007; Die another Day the hotel really was amazing. 

Day 7 – The adventure is all over. The team pack up and say their goodbyes to their marvellous canine companions, who they had all gained a great bond with over the course of the challenge. The whole team are exhausted and utterly drained but this is one adventure none of them will be forgetting any time soon!

We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone that has already made a donation but if you would still like to make a donation you can still do so quickly and easily at:

Keep your eyes peeled for a special one-off Arctic Challenge newsletter which will be crammed full of even more great pictures and stories from the challenge!

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Woodside Animal Centre, 190 Scudamore Road, Leicester LE3 1UQ. Registered Charity Number 222621
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