Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Training ramps up for our Arctic Challengers

Our Care4paws Arctic Challengers took part in a very special training day the other week. The team received harness and breed specific training in preparation for their 257 km trek across the Arctic in March.

Meeting with their tour guide at the National Forest Cycle Centre in Ashby de la Zouch, the team learnt all about looking after huskies, tips for how to balance on a sled and how to combat the sub-zero temperatures that they will face throughout the week.

During the challenge the team will be in charge of their own sled and a pack of huskies and this training day was essential for them to learn just what is in store for them when they take to the Arctic. The team each took turns being pulled by the team of huskies through the forest, learning first-hand just how quick the sleds can go!

Our Care4Paws Arctic Challenge team, are all currently training hard, with regular visits to the gym but this training day really hit home just how tough his challenge will actually be.

Gary, Branch Manager, said: “Training has been hard, but it is getting much better. But today’s training session has made me realise I need to do even more. It all seems so much more real now.”

In the Arctic, the team will travel up to 37 miles a day on husky driven sledges but for part of the challenge they will have to drag their own sledges to help the huskies through the more difficult terrain. They have to erect their own tents, cook their own food and look after their huskies each night, all in temperatures as low as -30 degrees.

This will be no mean feat but we have every faith in our Arctic Challenge Team and want to thank them for all the money they have raised for Care4Paws so far.

If you think you might like to show your support, why not head over to their JustGiving page and make a donation? 

Every penny really does count and will bring us one step closer to reaching our goal of building an onsite vet suite to treat animals in pain!

(Special thanks to Studio 17 for the photography - @TheStudio17)

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Woodside Animal Centre, 190 Scudamore Road, Leicester LE3 1UQ. Registered Charity Number 222621
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