Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Advent #24 - Keeping your pets safe at Christmas

As winter draws in, we give you some tips to keep your pets safe and warm.

Please remember that Christmas plants such as yew, ivy berries and poinsettia are poisonous and prickly Christmas trees can be dangerous too. Keep these out of the way of your pet.

Although you may not feel like going out for a walk in the chilly conditions, your pet still needs fresh air and regular exercise to stay happy and healthy. Walkies is a dog’s favourite thing, so don’t miss it.

BUT when stepping out for a stroll early morning or in the evening, remember that visibility is key. Make sure you wear high-vis clothing and fit your furry friend with a reflective collar too. We sell high-vis clothing in our Woodside Animal Centre shop, we can make sure you are kitted out correctly for the winter nights.

Keep your dogs away from lakes and ponds where thin ice could break under a dog’s weight. Also watch out for dogs’ paws becoming impacted with snow, which can cause discomfort.

As the weather gets colder, keep your eyes on your outdoor pets such as guinea pigs and rabbits, provide them with extra bedding and if necessary, move them into a shed or unused garage.

If you’re lucky enough to escape the frosty climate this holiday season, don’t forget that your pet needs looking after.

A lot of animals find a change in their routine stressful, so you may decide to leave them with someone responsible or at a boarding facility. If you choose to take your pet abroad with you, you must ensure all of their treatments and vaccinations are up to date, and that your holiday facility caters to your pet’s needs.

Give a gift this Christmas to animals with no home. Christmas can be a lonely time of year for people with no family and the animals at our centre can feel the same way, but with your help they can enjoy unwrapping presents on Christmas morning. We are looking for donations to help the animals at our centre celebrate the festive season, which could be pet food, blankets or toys. We will accept both new and second hand gifts.

If you have something you’d like to donate, please drop it into the centre on Scudamore Road. Alternatively the Leicester branch of TSB are holding a food and gift bank for us, so you can easily drop your donations into this city centre location. Each and every donation helps to put a wag or a purr into a Woodside animal this Christmas.

Thank you for your help. Have a great Christmas!

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© 2014 Woodside Animal Centre
Woodside Animal Centre, 190 Scudamore Road, Leicester LE3 1UQ. Registered Charity Number 222621
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