Thursday, 11 June 2015

Volunteer of the Month - John Clay

Meet this month's volunteer of the month, John Clay.

John has been a volunteer in our cattery for 10 years and we are so grateful for all his help over the past decade. As a charity we rely on great folks like John who generously give up their time to help look after the many animals that we receive at the centre all year round.

We took the time to catch up with John to find out a little bit more about him and his time so far with Woodside.

Q. What made you decide to become a Woodside volunteer?

A. Before I retired I became unemployed for a short while, it was at this point I decided to do voluntary work especially looking after cats as I love cats.

Q. What is your favourite thing about being a Woodside volunteer?

A. Generally looking after the cats and kittens, socialising with them(if there is time) and helping to keep the cattery clean and tidy

Q. Do you think more people should consider becoming a volunteer?

A. Yes! It's a great way to keep active and to occupy one’s mind.  I would like to point out that volunteers nationally help save the economy £22 billion a year!

Q. Do you have any funny stories from your time as a volunteer?

A. Yes. When I was cleaning a pen  of about 4 or 5 kittens, as soon as I opened the door all the kittens were climbing all over me! One kitten ran all the way up my arm before taking a perch right on the top of my head. We all thought it was so funny and there was certainly much laughter. The kittens all wanted to play!

If like John you would like to help a very worthy cause, there are so many ways you can help. Head over to our website for a full list of volunteering opportunities!


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© 2014 Woodside Animal Centre
Woodside Animal Centre, 190 Scudamore Road, Leicester LE3 1UQ. Registered Charity Number 222621
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